The court speaks first? Problems and challenges of prior judicial review




Prior judicial review, dialogic justice, cooperative constitutionalism, judicial deliberation, participative judicial review


Comparative constitutional law studies on who has the last word in a democratic system have focused on models of ex post control of the constitutionality of laws. However, models of constitutional justice incorporate some forms of prior review of constitutionality. This article focuses on those cases in which judges speak first. For that reason, it refers to the problems and challenges that prior review of constitutionality represents for democracy. Specifically, those challenges related to exercise it and to act dialogically with the other branches of government. In particular, the issues related to the need to imagine the problems of constitutionality, the lack of citizen participation and the inevitable rupture of res judicata are addressed. All this is studied within the contextual framework of one of the most active and sophisticated prior judicial review systems in the world, as it’s the case for the Colombian system.


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Biografia do Autor

Jorge Ernesto Roa Roa, Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona

Constitutional lawyer, international consultant in human rights and arbitration. Former law clerk of the Constitutional Court of Colombia. He is a postdoctoral researcher at Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona and professor at several universities in Latin America and Europe.

Juan José Aristizábal , Corte Constitucional de Colombia

Lawyer from Universidad de Caldas. Master in Constitutional Law from Universidad Externado de Colombia. He is an official of the Constitutional Court of Colombia.


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Como Citar

ROA ROA, Jorge Ernesto; ARISTIZÁBAL , Juan José. The court speaks first? Problems and challenges of prior judicial review. Suprema – Revista de Estudos Constitucionais, Distrito Federal, Brasil, v. 4, n. 1, p. 55–88, 2024. DOI: 10.53798/suprema.2024.v4.n1.a411. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jan. 2025.

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