Repeat players and modulation of effects in the control of constitutionality




Control of constitutionality, Modulation of effects, Legal certainty, Special social interest, General repercussion


This paper investigates if repeat players have strategic advantages in seeking to modulate efficacy of decisions from the Federal Supreme Court (STF), considering span in time, in the control of constitutionality. In order to do so, it is adopted the theoretical landmark established by Marc Galanter, based on which repetitive litigants have strategic advantages in lieu of habitual litigants. In addition, it is assumed that the modulation of efficacy considering span in time of decisions in control of constitutionality is fertile territory for legal disputes on the reach and limits of constitutional norms, as interpreted by the STF. The adopted hypothesis is that repeat players do have strategic advantages in seeking to modulate efficacy of decisions from the Federal Supreme Court (STF). In order to test it, it was carried an empirical analysis of extraordinary appeals reviewed under the general repercussion methodology. The conclusion reached is that repeat players have strategic advantages, consistent in the naturally internalized arguments favourable to repetitive litigantes by the STF, at least considering the analysed cases.


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How to Cite

COSTA, Susana Henriques da; SILVA, Marcos Rolim da. Repeat players and modulation of effects in the control of constitutionality. Suprema - Revista de Estudos Constitucionais, Distrito Federal, Brasil, v. 2, n. 1, p. 185–223, 2022. DOI: 10.53798/suprema.2022.v2.n1.a151. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 dec. 2024.

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