Guidelines for Authors

Suprema - Revista de Estudos Constitucionais aims to disseminate unpublished academic texts (papers, reviews and translations) in the field of Law, with a focus on the circulation of knowledge generated in research based on critical theoretical and empirical approaches, in order to provide a proficient space for academic dialogue.

  1. Originality

1.1 The papers, reviews and translations submitted must be original, unpublished and must not be in the process of being evaluated in other journals, unless they have been published in another language and in another country, in which case there must be a reference in a footnote to the fact that this is a version of an article already published in another journal.

1.2 Once published in Suprema, articles may only be republished after prior consultation with the journal's Editorial Board.

  1. Authors' titles

2.1. Papers may have up to three co-authors, with the primary requirement being a doctorate degree. Exceptionally, texts may be accepted from authors with a master's degree or who are studying for a doctorate or master's degree, as long as there is at least one co-author with a doctorate degree.

2.2 In the case of research groups, the names of the participants must appear in a footnote, indicating the task performed by each member.

  1. Languages

3.1 Papers will be accepted in Portuguese, English, Spanish, French, and Italian.

3.2 For texts in Portuguese, the title, abstract, keywords, and summary must also be translated into English and Spanish. For texts in other languages, the title, abstract, keywords, and summary must be translated into Portuguese, English, and Spanish, if the latter two are not the original language.

  1. Metadata

4.1 When submitting the article, the metadata must be filled in compliance with the following guidelines, under penalty of preliminary rejection of the submission.

     4.1.1 Authorship

 First and last name: Indicate the authors' full names, with only the initials of each name in upper case. In the case of co-authorship, the authors' names should be included in the order in which they should appear in the publication.

 E-mail address: Indication of the e-mail address of each one of the authors, which must be included in the published version of the article.

 ORCID iD: Indication of the ORCID identification number of each one of the authors. The ORCID identifier can be obtained free of charge from The author must accept the standards for the presentation of ORCID iD and include the full URL in their registration, accompanied by the expression "http://" (for example:

 URL: Indication of a link to the full curriculum vitae of each author. In the case of Brazilian authors, a link to their Lattes CV must be indicated.

 Institution / Affiliation: Indication of the main institutional affiliation or the two main ones, if the connection with both holds the same importance. Affiliation refers to the institution to which the author is affiliated as a teacher or student. If the author is neither a teacher nor a student, the institution where he or she obtained the highest academic degree, such as a doctorate, master's, specialization, etc., should be informed. The name of the institution must appear in full and in its original language, followed by the country of origin in brackets. If the author is a lecturer studying for a master's or doctorate at another institution, the main affiliation will be that of the institution where the author is studying for a master's or doctorate.

 Country: Indication of the country of each author's main institutional affiliation.

 Biography: Mini curriculum vitae of each of the authors, starting with the institution where they are a lecturer, with reference to the respective city, state, and country in brackets, followed by an indication of their academic qualifications (starting with the highest), their other connections with scientific associations, their profession, etc.

     4.1.2 Title and abstract

 Title: Indication in the original language of the article, with only the first letter of the sentence capitalized, in up to ten words (see full details below under "Presentation of the text").

 Abstract: In the original language of the article, up to 150 words, without paragraph formatting and without citations or references.

     4.1.3 Indexing

 Keywords: Indication of up to five terms in the original language of the article, in lowercase letters and separated by semicolons.

 Language: Indication of the acronym corresponding to the language of the article (Português=pt; English=en; Français=fr; Español=es; Italiano=it).

     4.1.4 Funding: Indication of the sources of funding for the research, if applicable.

     4.1.5 References: Indication of the complete list of references cited in the article, with a space between each one.

  1. Presentation of the text

5.1 Submissions must be sent as a ".doc" or ".docx" file, using Microsoft Word for typing. The font should be Times New Roman, size 12, with 1.5 line spacing and justified paragraphs (with the exception of citations, footnotes, references and figure legends, which should comply with [Brazilian] ABNT standards). The spacing of the first line of paragraphs should be 1.25 cm or 1 TAB. The page layout should be A4 (210 mm x 297 mm), with top and left margins measuring 3 cm and 2-cm bottom and right margins.

5.2 The length of texts, in the case of articles and translations, is a minimum of 7,000 (seven thousand) and a maximum of 10,000 (ten thousand) words. For reviews, the minimum is 4,000 (four thousand) and the maximum 7,000 (seven thousand) words. Longer texts may be published, at the editor's discretion, if their length can be justified.

5.3 The initial and final sections of the article should be called Introduction and Conclusion, respectively.

5.4 Submissions must contain the following items:

     5.4.1 Title: The title must be no longer than ten words, including the subtitle (if there is one). The title in the original language of the article should be written in Times New Roman font, size 14, highlighted in bold and centered. Titles in other languages should be written in Times New Roman font, size 14, italics, also with centralized alignment. The title and subtitle of the article should only have the first letter of each phrase capitalized, except in cases where this is mandatory.

     5.4.2 Abstract: The abstract should be concise (up to 150 words), written in a single paragraph, and highlight the objective, the key subject of the article, the methodology used, and the main conclusions. Topics should not be listed here.

     5.4.3 Keywords: Indicate up to five terms that classify the work with adequate precision for indexing, separated by semicolons (;).

     5.4.4 Summary: This should only include the number and name of the main sections that make up the article.

5.5 Footnotes should not be numerous and should only contain information that complements the body of the text. They should not be too long or contain direct quotations. They should be formatted in the same font as the article (Times New Roman), size 10, single line spacing and justified alignment.

5.6 If it is necessary to provide information about the article (grant from funding agencies, acknowledgements, translators of the text, etc.), a footnote with an asterisk (not a number) should be inserted to the right of the title in the original language of the article.

5.7 Tables, charts, figures, images, and graphs, if they exist, should be included in the body of the text and not at the end of the document as annexes. They must be pasted ensuring good resolution. To this end, they must have a maximum width of 10 cm; an open, editable vector format; short, self-explanatory captions. Images (bitmap) must be at least 12 cm wide and have a minimum resolution of 300 ppi.

  1. Citations and notes

6.1 Citations throughout the text must comply with the [Brazilian] ABNT norm NBR 10520 - Information and documentation — Citations in documents — Presentation / Jul. 2023.

6.2 Articles using the author-date model or expressions such as Op. Cit, Idem and Ibid will not be accepted.

6.3 Authorship must be indicated in a footnote in Times New Roman 10 font and not in the endnote of the article (indicate the full reference of the work in the first citation and, afterwards, only the author's name, the title of the work and the page number).


In the text:

The so-called "pandectism had been the particular way in which Roman law had been integrated in the 19th century in Germany in particular."(3)

In the footnote:

In the 1st citation:

(3) LOPES, José Reinaldo de Lima. Law in History. São Paulo: Max Limonad, 2000, p. 225.

In the 2nd citation:

(4) LOPES, José Reinaldo de Lima. Law in History. p. 225

6.4 Foreign authors may follow other citation models in their submission.

6.5 Quotations of up to 3 (three) lines must remain in the body of the text, with no indentation or emphasis, singled out by quotation marks. Quotations longer than 3 (three) lines must be separated from the text with a 4 cm paragraph indent, 11 points, single line spacing and justified text, without the use of quotation marks.

6.6 Highlights in the original work must be reproduced identically in the citation. If there are no highlights in the original, but the author of the article wishes to emphasize some information, the following rules must be observed:

     6.6.1 Highlights by the author of the article: after transcribing the quotation, use the expression "our emphasis(s)" or "I have highlighted" in brackets.

     6.6.2 Other highlights in parts of the text should only be in italics and only in the following cases: a) expressions in a foreign language; and b) emphasizing expressions, if strictly necessary for understanding the text.

6.7 Foreign language quotations must always be translated into the predominant language of the article in the footnotes, accompanied by the term "our translation" or "my translation" in brackets.

  1. References

7.1. References must comply with [Brazilian] ABNT norm NBR 6023/2018 - Information and Documentation - References - Elaboration/Nov. 2018.

7.2 References must contain all the data necessary to identify the work and be arranged in alphabetical order of the first letter of the Author's Surname.

7.3 Different works by the same author will be distinguished in chronological order, according to the year of publication. Works by the same author and published in the same year will be distinguished by adding a letter to the end of the year (e.g. 2019a, 2019b).

7.4 All bibliographical references used in the text must be indicated at the end of the document, with URL information where possible.

7.5 Foreign authors may use other reference models when submitting their work.

  1. Reference models

8.1 In the 1st citation: SURNAME, First name. Title of document in bold: subtitle (if any). Edition (if any). Translation by NAME OF TRANSLATOR (if any). Place of publication (city): Publisher, date of publication. Page number.

8.2 In the 2nd citation: SURNAME, First name. Title of the document in bold: subtitle (if any). Page number.

8.3 Book chapter: AUTHOR'S LAST NAME, First Name. Title of the chapter. In: BOOK ORGANIZER'S LAST NAME, First Name (org.). Title of the document in bold. Place of publication (city): Publisher, date of publication. p. x-y.

8.4 Monograph, Dissertation, Thesis: AUTHOR'S LAST NAME, First Name. Title of the document in bold. Date of publication. Dissertation (Master's in __) - __ College, University of __, Place of institution (city), year.

8.5 Journal article: AUTHOR'S LAST NAME, First Name. Title of the article. Name of the journal in bold, Place of publication (city), v. x, n. x, p. x-y, month year.

8.6 Signed newspaper article: AUTHOR'S LAST NAME, First Name. Title of article. Name of newspaper in bold, Place of publication (city), v. x, n. x, p. x-y, month year.

8.7 Unsigned newspaper article: TITLE of the article with the first word in capital letters. Name of the newspaper in bold, Place of publication (city), v. x, n. x, p. x-y, day month year.

8.8 Journal article in electronic format: AUTHOR'S LAST NAME, First Name. Article title. Name of the journal in bold, Place of publication (city), day month year [if any]. Available at: . Accessed on: day month year.

8.9 Newspaper article in electronic format: AUTHOR'S LAST NAME, First Name. Title of article. Name of newspaper in bold, Place of publication (city), day month year. Available at: . Accessed on: day month year.

  1. Funding

9.1 Authors must inform the Editorial Board of any type of funding, research grant or benefits received for the development of the work and declare that there is no conflict of interest that would compromise the submitted manuscript.

9.2 If it is possible to identify the author, the information should not be included in the submitted file, so as not to jeopardize the blind peer review. It should be included in the final stage prior to publication of the article, after the Editorial Board has contacted the author.

  1. Double blind peer review guarantee

10.1 It is essential that authors take the necessary precautions to eliminate any type of identification of authorship from the document to be submitted.

10.2 Elements such as a mini-resume under the title of the article, a footnote with authorship data, a reference in the body of the text to a previously published work which refers to the authors in any way other than in the third person should not be included in the body of the text.

10.3 The identification of authorship of the work must be removed from the Word file, following with the guidance available on the Microsoft website (insert link:

  1. Term of Commitment and Copyright

11.1 When submitting the article, the authors must sign the Term of Commitment and Copyright in which they declare that the text is unpublished, that there is no infringement of academic ethics and that they agree to the publication of the manuscript free of charge, under the Creative Commons License - Attribution 4.0 International - CC BY 4.0.