Suprema Journal will also accept the submission of papers in Spanish for the Thematic Dossier “Diversity and Inclusion in Institutions”


Suprema Journal will also accept the submission of papers in Spanish for the Thematic Dossier “Diversity and Inclusion in Institutions”.

The Brazilian Supreme Federal Court (STF) invites researchers to submit their work. Will be accepted articles written in Spanish, Portuguese, English, French and Italian – to contribute to the thematic dossier “Diversity and Inclusion in Institutions” of Suprema – Constitutional Studies Law Review. Submissions will be accepted until March 6, 2025.

The dossier aims to foster debates on diversity and social inclusion, contributing to the construction of a more just and equal world. Additionally, it seeks to promote integration among Spanish-speaking countries, particularly those in Latin America and the Caribbean, within the scope of this theme. More specifically, the dossier aims to encourage some reflections on addressing inequalities affecting minorities and vulnerable groups – including as women, indigenous peoples, black people, marginalized communities, LGBTQIA+ community members, quilombolas, people with disabilities, and neurodiverse individuals – at both local and international levels.

Research lines

Research paper proposals should align with one of the following three research lines: 1) Violence, the Constitution and Diversity and Inclusion Policies; 2) Constitutional and International Protection of the Rights of Minorities and Vulnerable Groups; 3) Democratic Participation, Representativeness and Institutions.


To be included in the thematic dossier, submitted papers must be original and unpublished and must not be under review by other journals. Submissions must be made directly on the Suprema Journal’s OJS platform.

All manuscripts undergo double-blind peer-review, meaning that neither the authors nor the reviewers are aware of each other’s identities, ensuring an impartial evaluation process.

In addition to the thematic dossier, Suprema continuously accepts papers, reviews and translations, which may be submitted through the same platform.


Suprema – Constitutional Studies Law Review is indexed in Redalyc and Latindex Scientific Information Systems, among other regional and international databases.

Publishing the call for papers in English and in Spanish is part of the journal’s internationalization efforts, aimed at expanding the visibility of academic research and strengthening collaborations with scholars affiliated with foreign institutions.

The Journal

Suprema – Constitutional Studies Law Review is a project developed by the Secretariat of Major Studies, Research, and Information Management (SAE) of the STF.

For further information or inquiries, please contact

Read this full Call in Spanish, Portuguese and English.